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Tomlinson-Sandhurst-125px“When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near,he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother!’ And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.”  John 19:26-27

Tomlinson-Sandhurst-125pxCongratulations to all our graduates here this evening!  I hope that you are really proud of yourselves and your accomplishments in completing your schooling. But let’s not forget all the people who also share in that pride –- your mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters; your grandparents and friends – your teachers; all of whom took this journey with you in ways both seen and unseen.  So this is their day, too.

Tomlinson-Sandhurst-125pxIn a few moments Ashley Caldow will be invited to step forward, stand here in front of us all and, through his ordination as a deacon, commit himself as a member of that group of men whom we call the ordained ministers of our Church. He will declare before all of us his willingness to do his best to rise to the great challenges which this way of life will put before him ........

Tomlinson-Sandhurst-125pxBishop Les Tomlinson delivers a homily to two thousand members of the Catholic Education Community gathered in Bendigo on May 24-25, 2012 for the second Catholic Education Sandhurst Diocesan Conference

Tomlinson-Sandhurst-125pxThe death of someone close to us always confronts us with our own mortality, although when the person is of advanced years we may seek to distance ourselves from death with the thought that a great deal of time separates us from the reality because we are not yet at such an age. Never the less, we cannot dismiss the inevitability of our own death. The second reading of today's Mass may further disturb us with the reminder of the encounter with God our Judge, following our death.