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Cathedral Square

cathedralsquare logo 450The Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst has submitted plans to develop the church-owned land at the corner of High and Short Streets, Bendigo.

The Cathedral Square development will include a new building and landscaping in keeping with the local aesthetic and complementary to the Cathedral with environmental sustainability at its core.


Public Notice of a Planning Application  

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View from High Street 

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View from corner of Short Street and High Street 

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View from High Street side of Cathedral 



Further Information 

To access the Town Planning Application and Design Reports and drawings click here

pdf Frequently Asked Questions  (237 KB)

If you have further questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 5445 3600.


The Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst has submitted plans to rejuvenate the church-owned land adjacent to Sacred Heart Cathedral at the corner of High Street and…